Gazipur to Airport BRT Line


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Gazipur Airport brt line

Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) is developing a 20.5-kilometer bus corridor between Gazipur and Airport in the capital called BRT line 3( Bus Rapid Transit). The BRT is expected to reduce traffic congestion in Dhaka and improve air quality. It is also expected to provide a more affordable and efficient way for people to travel between Dhaka and Gazipur.

BRT project was undertaken in 2012 and the total estimated cost of Tk2,040 crore. In this way, there are 25 stations and the authority wanted to run electric buses in the project. Later they changed their minds and now they decide on diesel-run AC buses for the service. The initial deadline for the BRT project was 2016 but they failed to complete the project.

After missing the deadlines multiple times, the estimated cost shot up to Tk4,268.33 crore – nearly 109% higher than the initial cost. The BRT authority said that they will open the project by September 2023. The BRT line authority already buys 50 buses that will arrive in the country in the month of Jun. then they inaugurate Dhaka’s first BRT project.

The BRT will have a capacity of up to 30,000 passengers per hour and will be operated by a fleet of 130 electric buses. The buses will be equipped with air conditioning, CCTV cameras, and Wi-Fi. The BRT will also have a dedicated bus lane and will be integrated with the city’s metro rail system.

The BRT is expected to reduce traffic congestion by up to 30% and improve air quality in the city. It is also expected to create jobs and boost the economy. The project has been praised by environmental groups and transport experts, who believe that it will be a major step forward for Dhaka’s public transportation system.

The BRT is expected to reduce traffic congestion by up to 30% and improve air quality in the city. It is also expected to create jobs and boost the economy. The project has been praised by environmental groups and transport experts, who believe that it will be a major step forward for Dhaka’s public transportation system.

Here are some of the benefits of the BRT project:

  • It will reduce traffic congestion by up to 30%.
  • It will improve air quality in the city.
  • It will create jobs and boost the economy.
  • It will provide a more efficient and affordable public transportation option for residents of Dhaka

Here are some of the challenges of the BRT project:

  • The project has been delayed several times.
  • The cost of the project has increased significantly.
  • Some residents have been displaced by the construction.