Indonesian Visa for Bangladeshi


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Indonesian Visa

Indonesia is a popular destination for Bangladeshi tourists who want to enjoy its natural beauty, cultural diversity, and historical attractions. However, before planning a trip to Indonesia, Bangladeshi citizens need to know the visa requirements and procedures.

Do Bangladeshi citizens need a visa to visit Indonesia?

The answer is no, Bangladeshi citizens do not need a visa to visit Indonesia as tourists for up to 30 days. They can enter Indonesia visa-free under the Visa Exemption scheme. However, they need to meet the following conditions:

  • They must have a valid Bangladesh passport with at least six months of remaining validity and two blank pages.
  • They must have a confirmed round-trip ticket or onward ticket to another country.
  • They must have sufficient funds to cover their expenses during their stay in Indonesia.
  • They must not engage in any paid or unpaid work, study, or journalism activities in Indonesia.
  • They must comply with the Indonesian laws and regulations and respect the local customs and culture.

If Bangladeshi citizens want to stay longer than 30 days, or visit Indonesia for other purposes such as business, education, social, or cultural, they need to apply for a visa at the Indonesian Embassy in Dhaka. The visa application process may vary depending on the type and duration of the visa, but generally, they need to submit the following documents:

  • A completed and signed visa application form.
  • A passport-sized photo with a white background.
  • A copy of the Bangladesh passport and the original for verification.
  • A copy of the round-trip ticket or onward ticket.
  • A bank statement showing sufficient funds for the trip.
  • A letter of invitation or sponsorship from an Indonesian individual or organization, if applicable.
  • A letter of recommendation from the employer or institution in Bangladesh, if applicable.
  • A payment of the visa fee, which may vary depending on the type and duration of the visa.

The visa processing time may take up to seven working days, and the visa validity may range from 90 days to one year, depending on the type and duration of the visa. Bangladeshi citizens are advised to apply for the visa well in advance of their intended travel date, and to check the latest visa information and requirements from the Indonesian Embassy in Dhaka.

What are the benefits of visiting Indonesia for Bangladeshi citizens?

Indonesia is a diverse and fascinating country that offers many benefits for Bangladeshi tourists, such as:

  • Indonesia has a rich and diverse culture, with more than 300 ethnic groups and 700 languages. Bangladeshi tourists can experience the different traditions, arts, cuisines, and religions of Indonesia, and learn about its history and heritage.
  • Indonesia has a stunning natural beauty, with more than 17,000 islands, 127 volcanoes, and 80,000 kilometers of coastline. Bangladeshi tourists can enjoy the scenic landscapes, tropical forests, wildlife, beaches, and coral reefs of Indonesia, and engage in various outdoor activities such as hiking, diving, surfing, and rafting.
  • Indonesia has a friendly and hospitable people, with a common bond of Islam. Bangladeshi tourists can feel welcomed and comfortable in Indonesia, as they share the same faith and values with the majority of Indonesians. They can also visit the many mosques, Islamic schools, and religious sites in Indonesia, and participate in the Islamic festivals and celebrations.
  • Indonesia has a affordable and convenient travel, with a favorable exchange rate and a well-developed transportation system. Bangladeshi tourists can travel to Indonesia with a low budget, as the cost of living, accommodation, food, and transportation are relatively cheap in Indonesia. They can also easily access the different regions and attractions of Indonesia, as there are many domestic and international flights, trains, buses, and ferries available.

What are the popular tourist destinations in Indonesia?

Indonesia is a vast and diverse country that offers many attractions for tourists of different interests and preferences. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia are:


Bali is arguably the most famous and visited island in Indonesia, known for its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and stunning natural scenery. Bali has something for everyone, whether you want to relax on the sand, surf the waves, explore the temples, or enjoy the nightlife. Some of the top attractions in Bali are the beaches of Kuta, Nusa Dua, and Sanur, the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud, the Pura Tanah Lot temple, and the Jatiluwih rice fields.

Borobudur is an ancient Buddhist temple complex that is one of the most impressive and culturally significant landmarks in Indonesia. Borobudur was built in the 8th century and consists of nine stacked platforms adorned with hundreds of statues and thousands of relief panels. Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular pilgrimage destination for Buddhists. The best time to visit Borobudur is at sunrise, when you can witness the temple illuminated by the golden light.

Komodo National Park:

Komodo National Park is a unique and adventurous destination that is home to the world’s largest lizard, the Komodo dragon. These fearsome creatures can grow up to three meters long and weigh up to 70 kilograms. They can only be found in this park and a few nearby islands. Komodo National Park is also a great place for diving and snorkeling, as it has a rich marine biodiversity and coral reefs. You can also visit the Pink Beach, which has a distinctive pink hue due to the crushed red coral in the sand.

Raja Ampat Islands:

Raja Ampat Islands are a group of four main islands and thousands of smaller ones that are located in the northwestern tip of Papua. Raja Ampat is one of the most sensational diving destinations in Indonesia, as it has more than 75% of all known coral species and a huge variety of fish and other marine life. Raja Ampat is also a paradise for birdwatchers, as it has many endemic and rare species of birds, such as the Wilson’s bird of paradise and the red bird of paradise.

In conclusion, Indonesia is a great destination for Bangladeshi tourists who want to explore a different and exciting country, without the hassle of applying for a visa. However, they need to be aware of the visa-free conditions and limitations, and the visa application procedures and requirements, if they want to extend their stay or visit Indonesia for other purposes.